Brattleboro 100% Campaign Kicks Off This Month!

| Senior Solutions News

Four local organizations – Senior Solutions, the Brattleboro Senior Center, Foodworks Food Pantry, and St. Brigid’s Kitchen & Pantry – have come together to strengthen each household in Brattleboro during the month of October.  This is to be accomplished through an intense, community-based, collaborative effort designed to reach each household with clear, concise information regarding […]

North Star Health Offers New Online Health Programs in October

| News and Information

High Blood pressure?  Chronic Pain? Diabetes?  North Star Health has a series of online health programs beginning in October that are designed to help you manage these problems. All sessions are online using Zoom, and all of them are entirely free!  Learn how monitor and manage your health issues, and make choices that will work […]

Free Medicare Classes; Open Enrollment Begins Oct. 15th

| Senior Solutions News

Unsure about Medicare’s eligibility criteria? Worried about out-of-pocket costs? Wondering what Medicare does or doesn’t cover? Confused about who pays first, Medicare or another insurance?  Uncertain of yours or your loved one’s rights under Medicare? Our classes, providing unbiased information, are ideal for anyone who will be signing up for Medicare in the near future. […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

| News and Information

October can feel different for each of us — some wear pink to celebrate, some quietly observe the month, some feel grief, and some feel unseen or misunderstood. We want to normalize it all. Here’s what you need to know about Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Breast Cancer Awareness Month, […]

September is Senior Center Month

| News and Information

Southeastern Vermont has several Senior Centers who work constantly to provide stimulating and fun programs for us. They have lectures, trips, meals, and activities for the brain and the body. To list them all would take an enormous amount of space. So, I am inviting you to explore all the possibilities at the following centers:

Want to Get Outside and Move? Join a Walk with Ease Group

| Senior Solutions News

Join the Walk with Ease program.  This is an evidence-based wellness program developed by the Arthritis Foundation that is being offered by Senior Solutions.  It features gentle stretching and walking techniques while you ease into a healthy activity. It is most enjoyable when going out with a small group or walking your dog.  The newest […]