The Foxy Fund, the pet-support program of Senior Solutions, has again been recognized by Pet Smart Charities with a new grant award of $13,000 to assist with programming. This is the second year in a row the program has been supported by this foundation.
“Walk With Ease” New Wellness Program
Senior Solutions is offering a new wellness program. Studies have shown that walking promotes better health. To help us all get started on this habit safely, we are adopting the Arthritis Foundation’s evidence-based walking program.
Directors Note: Volunteer Appreciation
We currently have 51 volunteers active in our AmeriCorps/Respite, Friendly Visitor, Vet to Vet, and Senior Companion programs. Thirteen of our volunteers from these programs attended our Volunteer Recognition Picnic on June 15th.
Director’s Note: Thank you for your support!
What a terrific celebration of our 50th anniversary we had at the Senior Prom on April 28. The outpouring of support was a testament to our strong relationships throughout the communities we serve. We are enormously grateful to Springfield Hospital, Mt Ascutney Hospital and Health Center, the Richards Group and many others for their sponsorship of this celebration.
Two Health & Wellness Fairs to attend in June!
In mid-June, the public will have an opportunity to visit Senior Solutions and many other organizations at not one, but two Health & Wellness benefit Fairs taking place in the Area. Both are being co-sponsored by Senior Solutions.
“Mountain Town Meals” available every week in Greater Londonderry Area
Senior Solutions, Neighborhood Connections, and a number of partners in the greater Londonderry area have come together to offer weekly meals in that area! Beginning in June, seniors will have opportunities for free, delicious meals in Bondville, Jamaica, Londonderry, and Weston.
Walk With Ease – A New Wellness Program for Improving Health!
Walk With Ease is an evidenced-based walking program developed by the Arthritis Foundation to help seniors get out and start a safe, healthy walking habit.
“Eat Your Veggies!” Connects Seniors to Farm Fresh Local Produce
This summer, area seniors will have a variety of ways to obtain local fresh farm products, often at no cost to them. Senior Solutions is launching the “Eat Your Veggies!” campaign to help clients navigate the many programs available. Each of the four most popular programs are described below, and we even produced a 25-minute […]
Errands Program Suspended for the Time Being
With the recent retirement of our wonderful staff member Patti Crimmin-Greenan who oversaw our Errands program, that program is being suspended and reformulated. The Errands program was started at the beginning of the pandemic when many older adults were afraid to go out and do grocery shopping or other errands for fear of contracting COVID. […]
Richard and Sandy appreciate the Foxy Fund
The “Foxy Fund” helps older and disabled Vermonters keep and care for their pets who bring them much comfort.
CARERS Program for Dementia Family Caregivers – Schedule
The CARERS PROGRAM for DEMENTIAFAMILY CAREGIVERS, Summer /Fall Schedule 2023 Offered by: The University of Vermont Medical Center Dementia Family Caregiver Center and UVMMC Department of Neurology What is the CARERS Program? CARERS (Coaching, Advocacy, Respite, Education, Relationship and Simulation) is an evidence based therapeutic group program that enhances the knowledge, skills, and competence of […]
The Foxy Fund celebrates National Pet Month & One Year
During the month of May, Senior Solutions will be celebrating the first anniversary of our expanded “Foxy Fund” by promoting a major fund drive to enhance the program. The Foxy Fund began many years ago as a way to help seniors pay their pets’ veterinary bills. The story of how that started with a client named Karl can be found here. Then, in the spring of 2022, Senior Solutions received a $20,000 grant from PetSmart Charities which enabled us to greatly expand the fund to include monthly deliveries of pet food to our clients who receive Home Delivered Meals. As of May 1st, this service is now available throughout our entire service area.