Memory Cafés

A Memory Café is a wonderfully welcoming place for caregivers and their loved ones who are challenged with forms of dementia or other cognitive disorders and debilitating conditions. It is a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize, listen to music, play games, enjoy nutritious snacks, and connect. All Memory Cafés are free and open to all. People with early stage Alzheimer’s are welcome and encouraged to join.

For more information on these programs or to be included in our upcoming Cafés, contact Joann Erenhouse at 802.885.2669  or email

Upcoming Memory Café Places, Dates, and Times:

  • Brattleboro: February 24, 11:00 -1:00. at the American Legion Post 5 on Linden St.  Every  4th Monday of the month.
  • Chester: March 6,  in Willard Hall, In the rear of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on the Village Green.  Every 1st Thursday of the month.
  • Ludlow: March 13, 11:00 – 1:00, Ludlow United Church Every 2nd Thursday of the month. (Run by Black River Good Neighbor Service)
  • White River Junction: March 17, 11:00-1:00,  Bugbee Senior Center Every 3rd Monday of the month.
  • Wilmington: February 20, 11:00 -1:00.  in The Old Firehouse in downtown Wilmington.   Every 3rd Thursday of each month.