Board Member Profiles

Our board of directors represent the expertise, diversity, and leadership needed to support to ensure Senior Solutions achieves its mission and objectives effectively.
We want to highlight our board member’s qualifications, experience, and contributions to our organization.

Elizabeth Austin

Elizbeth Austin joined our board in 2023. She has an MS Health Care Administration and is currently the Executive Director at Good Neighbor Health Clinic in White River Junction. She  is a military spouse and lives in Enfield, New Hampshire with her husband and Winston the chocolate lab. Elizabeth loves gardening and is currently expanding her crops to include a cranberry bog.

Why did you join our board?
Elizabeth joined our board because she knows our work makes the difference in lives of seniors across all 46 communities in our catchment area. She knows our work keeps older Vermonters healthy, connected, and supported as they age.  Elizabeth  understands that Senior Solutions also provides crucial support to caretakers who are often an afterthought in a care plan..

Why should someone serve on a board?
Elizabeth believes serving on a board is an honor, and is dedicated to our cause and mission. “We are all going to need these services as we age, and it’s important that many voices are represented on our board. Our community has diverse needs and having diversity on the board is critical.  

What is the biggest issue facing seniors in our community?
Seniors are increasingly facing more loneliness and isolation. Some would say it is an epidemic. Vermont has changed dramatically over the years from when these older Vermonter have grown up, becoming older, more rural, and less connected.  Senior Solutions focuses on keeping and improving connections and ensuring our seniors get the services and care they need not just to survive, but thrive.

What is the best thing about being a senior in our community?
Our community provides lots of places for seniors to come together and combat isolation. There are places for caretakers to come together to share experiences and resources. Senior Solutions allows older Vermonters to be respected and honored and age with dignity. It is impressive and important. Not many places have this kind of excellent service. Elizabeth is proud to be a part of it.