Health & Wellbeing

Here is a list of external providers who specialize in a variety of health and wellbeing services.

Bone Builders

The RSVP Bone Builders Osteoporosis Prevention and Reversal Program is an effective combination of weight bearing, balance and stretching exercises, with nutritional information, and support for all stages of osteoporosis. Originally developed from the Strong Living Program of Tufts University, Bone Builders is a free, ongoing program open to all those with concerns about osteoporosis. Classes include standing and sitting exercises, using hand weights and ankle weights for resistance training.  

Upper Valley Aquatic Center

UVAC in White River Junction offers several programs to benefit older adults, including $12 day passes for those 65 and over.


Exercise Tips

The National Institute on Aging has lots of ideas and resources to help you exercise. Even if you have limitations, you can probably find something that will work for you.